Friday, 17 August 2012

Why We Don't Need a Gold Standard

The Reserve Bank of Australia prints money in Australia. In the days of the gold standard you would be promised a certain amount of gold for each note - that is no longer the case. Now that the Australian economy is bootstrapped, the value of the Australian dollar is in the transfer of goods and services. i.e. that you can walk into a shop, get in a taxi and the Australian dollar would be accepted.

Think about a barter system. I have apples and want bananas. Ok I find a banana farmer and swap. But what if the banana farmer doesn't want apples, but wants a taxi ride? Well then I need to find a taxi driver that wants apples that will give the banana farmer a ride, so I can get my bananas.

Or we could just use money. Then I give money to the banana farmer, sell my apples to the taxi driver and the taxi driver charges the banana farmer. No requirement for a "gold standard" - the value of the dollar is what you can buy with it.

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